Friday, May 27, 2011

I made it to Martha's Doer of the Week!

Wow! What an absolute honor to have been featured on the front page of Martha Stewart's Dreamers into Doers . I have not stopped smiling since I saw the post live yesterday morning! I was thrilled when I opened an email a couple of weeks back stating that I had been chosen to be a ''Doer of the Week". Being an avid fan of Martha and spending countless hours perusing through Martha's website as well as watching her tv show and reading her collection of magazines, it was really a dream come true for me as she is my role model and provides so much inspiration. 

I have also been touched by so many gorgeous women in business from around the world who have contacted me recently with beautiful feedback & messages about the interview and how they too are feeling more inspired to continue their passion and to follow their dream.

Thank you so much Dreamers into Doers, for allowing me to share my dream, I am forever grateful x

Click here to read my interview.


  1. Congratulations!! You deserve the recognition. xx

  2. congratulations, thoroughly deserved! I've followed your blog for quite a while and you've always come across as motivated and dedicated. Congratulations on your achievement! :)

  3. What an honor! Isn't it exciting to see your name in lights?!


Mon Tresor {hearts} comments x